Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text is double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font. Line numbers inserted in the manuscript. All illustrations, figures, and tables are original and editable and contained in the full article text.
  • Emails, Surnames (Underlined or in Uppercase), and initials of ALL AUTHORS, have been included here and in the appropriate metadata section during online submission.
  • I have read Author Guidelines and strictly adhered to (to avoid rejection and delay of processing).
  • All details have been double-checked before clicking the final submission step (Once submitted, the author will no longer be able to edit the submission.)

Article Submission Guideline

All submissions should contain the title of the Article, names of the authors, and the corresponding author. Submission to include structured abstract (maximum of 250 words, structured into Background, Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusion), as well as the full manuscript in Microsoft Word.

Submission format
Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 12
Line spacing: Double
Insert line numbers (important!)
Referencing pattern: Vancouver

Word count:
The original article, a maximum of 4000 words.
Review articles, maximum of 6000 words.
Case reports and Series, maximum of 2000 words.
Other submissions, maximum of 1500 words.

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
The submitted manuscripts should have minimum basic standards to be able to read and interpret the content by the Editorial team. The submissions which do not meet these criteria will be sent back to the authors.

Article Types & Format
Original/Research articles
These are the articles that deal with unpublished data providing a detailed explanation of the methods, methodology, and results of an investigation supported by evidence.
These articles, in general, can be divided into sections:
Introduction: Identifies the aim of the research
Materials and Methods: Describes the methods applied, study design, and the all the details regarding the selection and of the participants of the study
Results: Provides information regarding the results of the research
Discussion: Provides the statement of the main result, addresses expected and unexpected results, comparison with the literature, explanations of results, the generality of findings, limitations, and strengths of the methodology.
Conclusions: Concludes based on the findings and addresses relevant implications for clinical practice or health policy
This deals with reporting the literature review of the already published data, these provide a detailed in-depth discussion of significant research topics and their progress in the due time. It should have a structured abstract.

Case Reports

Case Reports are articles dealing with the description of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, and treatment methods of a clinical condition. The case reports usually describe novel cases. These may also include a literature review of the reported cases.

These are the short articles written by the Editors or the Editorial staff of the journal.

These are the articles that deal with the discussion of different topics of research in focus, providing information about the difficulties or solutions

Rectifications or adjustments made in the article, due to the author’s errors

Expert opinion
Articles are written by experts in a specific field that promote research or support the advancement of knowledge in specified sections.

Letter to Editor
These are articles addressed to the Editor-in-Chief in agreement or disagreement with the specific content of a published article. Such letters may either be critical or praising or correct a perceived error or misrepresentation. It should not have an abstract or subheadings.

These articles deal with the individual viewpoint of the author on any of the journals' topics of interest.
The Basic Structure of the manuscript includes the following sections:
Cover Letter, Title page, Abstract, and keywords. Blinded Article File (Title, Abstract, Main Content, Acknowledgments, References, Tables, Figure legends).

Cover letter
The Cover letter is addressed to the Editor-in-chief or the Special Issue editor of the Journal.
The letter includes the details about your choice of TJMR for the publication of your article, article title, acceptance of all the regarding the submission, a statement indicating no multiple submission or duplicate submissions,s and the details regarding the conference (if the article is presented at any).
It should specify the type of the article and any relation to your previously submitted or published article.
The cover letter should include the contact details of the corresponding author and should be duly signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all authors.

Title page
The title page of the manuscript must include the following information:
• Full title (informative and precise in max 130 characters including spaces).
• Running title (max 75 characters, including spaces).
• List of Authors’ Names (list as the first name written first, followed by the middle name, and finally the last name (or Surname) 

Each author must be separated by a comma except the last author (separated by the phrase “and”).
• Institutional or organizational affiliation of each author.
• Corresponding author’s information (full mailing address, Telephone number Fax number, and email address).
• Clinical Trial Registry or Grant Details
• Manuscript word count (excluding figures and tables).

Blinded Article File: The manuscript must not contain any mention of the authors' names or initials or the institution at which the study was done or acknowledgments. Page headers /running titles can include the title but not the authors' names. Manuscripts not in compliance with the journal's blinding policy will be returned to the corresponding author. The main texts of the article, beginning from Abstract to References (including tables) should be in this file. Use rtf/doc files. Do not zip the files. Limit the file size to 1024kb. Do not incorporate images in the file. The pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the first page of the blinded article file.

Abstract and keywords
The Abstract must be concise and not more than 250 words. An abstract must be understandable to the general reader. It should state the Background, Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusions of the manuscript. The nonstandard abbreviations must be defined; they should not include any bibliographic citation.
Below the Abstract 3-5 keywords should be provided and arranged in alphabetical order separated by a semicolon.

Use only standard abbreviations, use of nonstandard abbreviations may lead to confusion: The full term of the abbreviation should proceed on the first instance of its usage in the Abstract and main text. Do not use abbreviations in the title. The abbreviation used in any table or figure should be defined in each corresponding legend.

Manuscript text
There is no précised determination regarding the classification of the main content. The author could specify the sections based on the type of the article and the requirements of the described study. The references should be indicated with the number of the corresponding references in the references section and should be superscript at the end of the statement.
The Figures and tables must be numbered as per the order of their citation in the text. The tables should be placed at the end of the references while the figures should be submitted as separate files.

Conflicts of Interest
A statement regarding the conflict of interest among the authors should be mentioned in this section in order to avoid discrepancies after publication.

List in this section:
• The individuals or groups who do not satisfy the authorship but are involved in the supporting activities of the research and preparation of the manuscript.
• The assistance of medical writing experts.
• All participating group authors who do not meet the full authorship criteria.
• Funding Sources and financial disclosures for all authors.

Individual written consent should be obtained before including the information of the individuals in this section.
If the manuscript is presented at any conference or scientific meeting the details of the

corresponding conference should be included in this section.

Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their references in Vancouver style and for correct text citation.
• References should follow the text and begin on a separate page.
• References must be double-line spaced and numbered consecutively in the order of appearance within the text, using the automated numbering tool of Word.
• Identify references in text, tables, and legends in Arabic numerals in superscript, i.e. [8].
• List all authors when six or fewer; when seven or more, list only the first six and add et al.
• References used within tables or figure legends should be included in the reference list and numbered in consecutive order according to the table/figure citation in the text.
• Journals’ names should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus/Medline. If there is any doubt about the abbreviation of a journal name, it should be spelled out completely.
• Any references to studies (including books or articles) that have been accepted for publication, but not yet published, should indicate where they will be published and have the term “in the press” in the reference in place of volume and page numbers. These must be updated prior to publication, if possible.
• Do not add a discussion or comment to a reference.
• Suffixes such as Jr, Sr, and III follow the author’s initials.

Examples of reference style:
1. Journal Article: Eleje GU, Umeh EO, Onubogu CU, Mbachu II, Obiesie EA, Nri-Ezedi CA, et al. Association between dual infections of HIV and HBV and triplex infections of HIV, HBV, and HCV in Nigeria. JAMA. 2022; 327(9):912-924.
2. Book: Sibeudu FT, Ohagwu CC, Dimkpa U, Apakama AI, eds. 10-Minute Pre-Clinical and Clinical Consult. 33rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2022; 492-498.
3. Chapter in book: Udigwe GO, Ikechebelu JI. Anatomy of the female pelvis during hysteroscopy. In: Mbaeri TU, ed. Endoscopy management. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier/Saunders 2022; 10-18.
4. Web page reference: References to websites must always include the full link. (E.g. FDA drug safety communication: FDA warns about rare but serious allergic reactions with the skin antiseptic chlorhexidine gluconate. https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm530975.htm)

The tables must be included in the text file after the references section of the manuscript.
Conditions for table preparation
• Should not include duplicate data that has been explained in the text
• Should be created using Table tools in word
• Should not be submitted as figures
• Should be number in the order of citation in the text
• References used within tables should be included in the reference list and numbered in consecutive order according to the table citation in the text.

Figure legends
Should be included at the end of the manuscript. The different expressions used to identify different parts of the figures should be clearly explained.
References used within figure legends should be included in the reference list and numbered in consecutive order according to the figure citation in the text.
Figures from already published content should be acknowledged and cited and should have approval from the copyright holder.

Figures and illustrations
Number all figures in the order of their citation in the text. Include a title for each figure (a brief phrase, preferably no longer than 10-15 words). Do not embed figures in the Word document. Figures should be less than 4MB and must be submitted as individual .jpg or .tif files and have high enough resolution for publishing. Do not submit figures as Word, PowerPoint, or PDF files.
Clinical photographs that identify an individual must be accompanied by a signed statement by the patient or legal guardian granting permission for publication of the pictures for educational purposes or must be masked to prevent identification of the patient.

Supplementary material
Supplementary information that may be included online and will be required for supporting the different sections or findings is included under this section.

Submission Process
Pre Submission: TJMR encourages the authors to verify the suitability of the article towards the desired TJMR.
Submission: The authors could submit their manuscripts to the editorial office through the online submission system https://www.tjmr.org.ng

All the articles should be submitted in .docx and the images should not be embedded into the manuscript but should be included as separate files.

Submitted manuscripts should typically include the following elements:
Cover letter (required)
Title page (required) Manuscript (required)
Supplemental Material
All the articles submitted to C-Print Publisher must be exclusive and should not be published or under consideration elsewhere.
Authors are encouraged to provide the names and contact information for 3–5 external reviewers and could also suggest the opposed reviewers if any.
All the submitted manuscripts will undergo an initial quality check for duplicate submission or plagiarism issues, only the accepted articles will undergo the peer review process for deciding the probability of publishing the manuscript. The Peer review process would take a minimum of 4-6 weeks.

Article Processing Charges

TJMR follows the Open Access Policy of publication, which does not charge the readers to access the content. This allows the readers to view, access, download, and distribute the content without any limits, provided the original work is cited, under the term “Creative Commons Attribution License”. The cost of the maintenance of the journal will be recovered from the authors for their published articles. We provide fast and affordable publication services. There are no submission charges.
TJMR provides the author with very low article publication charges. Authors are requested to pay the article publication charge, to support the open-access publishing process and to cover the production and archiving expenses.